Sunday, August 19, 2007

"The World Isn't What You Think It Is, It's What It Is"

I wanted to take a moment to welcome the five other individuals who have chosen to run for School Committee seats. Although I'm not so altruistic as to name them individually, I am grateful that the community has been activated by our recent efforts to meet school needs. I am sure that a good, vigorous, and respectful public conversation will happen during the election season; I am genuinely delighted by that. My cohorts are all bright, thoughtful people; any community is best served when citizens actively participate.

I do not believe that we are running against each other. I believe we are running to ensure that we have the best schools, run efficiently, that are run creatively and produce students who are ready to clean up the mess we've made of this world. We are all running for the future.

On your mark, my friends.

Oh, and to those candidates who keep saying the School Committee needs new faces. Am I going to have to shave to get re-elected?

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